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Things to Know About Flood Insurance | NAFCU Webinar

Melissa Klimkiewicz and Daniel Bellovin discussed flood insurance compliance from origination through servicing, including regulatory requirements, the private flood rule, and the recently finalized interagency Q&As.


AARMR's 2022 Annual Regulatory Conference Training

Kathryn Ryan led members in a conversation at this annual conference that provided state regulators and industry representatives the opportunity to meet with their peers from around the country, share information and best practices, and discuss current topics in the industry.


2022 National Flood Conference

Daniel Bellovin joined a panel of industry experts that provided insights on flood insurance regulation and compliance, a review of recent enforcement actions, the impact of Risk Rating 2.0, and current compliance challenges for financial institutions.


IMN Non-QM Forum

Steven vonBerg joined a panel of industry experts to discuss regulatory concerns, including updates on FHFA’s scaling back of second home and investment property mortgages, CFPB priorities, the CDFI no-doc loan program, and fair lending issues.


California Mortgage Bankers Association Conference 2021

Sherry-Maria Safchuk drew upon her extensive experience assisting clients on privacy issues and led a discussion on the Community Reinvestment Act and privacy requirements.


IMN Residential Mortgage Service Rights Forum (East)

Jon David D. Langlois drew upon his years of regulatory experience to discuss the possibility of tighter regulations facing non-banks and servicers under the Biden administration.


HousingWire Annual 2021

Regulators are Gearing Up: Are You Ready? 
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 - 9:45 AM EDT

Jeff Naimon explained the new regulatory environment for the mortgage industry, and how to prepare for the anticipated changes to come.


IMN Non-QM Forum

Steven R. vonBerg discussed the latest on the political football of the new administration, QM rule cancellation & their implications.